Time is the most valuable commodity. So precious that you are unable to buy more. Once lost, it can never be replenished.
— Samuel Ajayi-Obe

For The Patient

A clear path.
Less frustration.


Become a better
practitioner in a shorter
period of time.

For the Organization

When “This is the way
we’ve always done it”
isn’t working.


I compress time.

Because I don’t chase symptoms (“whats”) but instead identify causes (“whys”), my interventions are more effective and give my clients the best chance to get better, faster.



Teach & Treat Series

Join me for a four session video package where I diagnose, test, and treat four patients in real time. These patients also happen to be practitioners so you will hear them ask great questions as we discuss our findings in real time.

The Ultimate Scar Guide

If you don’t assess and manage (physical) scars, you could be missing out on the exact thing that is causing your patients/clients their symptoms. Learn how to cover all aspects of scar assessment and intervention here.